Dehyfoods GmbH's corporate social responsibility is reflected in its commitment to economically, ecologically and socially responsible business practices. We endorse the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and are committed to helping make the world a more sustainable and livable place and expect our suppliers and business partners to behave similarly. Ecological, social and ethical principles are upheld and lived by our companies and employees. We strive to optimise our company and products with regard to sustainability and seek the support of suppliers and business partners who can participate in sustainable business activities. Please take this opportunity seriously. Based on national laws and regulations, the Code is based on international standards such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Core Conventions.
The Supplier Code of Conduct is a requirement that all suppliers who have business relationships with Dehyfoods GmbH companies must comply with.
Here you can view and download the Code of Conduct:
DOWNLOAD - Code of Conduct - Suppliers & Business Partners
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